D. Diogo de Sousa Evocative Monument

Braga, Portugal 2021 2021

This monument is an evocation of the religious and secular personality of D. Diogo de Sousa, who through his “visionary door” opened Braga to the world. It made this city rejuvenated, fresh and new.

This “door” represents all its strategic vision that, through its passage through Braga, left impressive works of extreme importance, which still mark the DNA of this illustrious city.

The monument rests on a granite plinth and represents, in simplified lines, a piece of medieval wall and a door that opens it to the world. The graphic detachment, gives it purity, movement and vitality.

The door symbolizes the difference each of us can make when passing through a particular location. D. Diogo de Sousa, as he passed by, magnified this city. We are aware that each one of us, can also make a difference by passing and magnifying something or someone.

It can be read in handwritten and signed:
"...por eu fazer de hua aldea cidade à custa de meu trabalho e fazenda..." - "...for raising from a village to a city at the expense of my work and estate..."

The monument is 7m high and 2m wide and is characterized by a metallic structure lined with a 3mm and 5mm thick brass plate.

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